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I dreamt of a dog since my earliest childhood. And in 1980 my dream came true - in our house unexpectedly even for ourselves appeared a small dog – toy-terrier called Zita (01.02.1980-18.12.1994). As well as all children, I was very glad of such an occasion, but all problems of looking after the dog left with parents. When I had free time from study at school and employment in sports section, I was engaged with Zita in training; as I desired to go on exhibitions, but Zita had no pedigree, so we began to take part in competitions on circus training. In 7 years Zita has received 7 diplomas of the third degree and 1 of the second degree on training. She was able to jump through obstacles, did "eight" between legs, "counted", but the best act was playing on a toy piano, which elicited great applause from audience.

« Zita

Zita at the piano »

Our neighbour, who also was the long time friend and the co-worker of my mum -  Kendzerskaya Margarita , brought in 1971 from East Germany (GDR) the first particolored Cocker Spaniel in the USSR. It was orange-white Hella f.d. Кlafterzaile.

« Hella f.d. Кlafterzaile

I don’t remember it clearly, but her granddaughter - orange-white Chansi (Gal s Litomyshlya х Cholli ), grew up with me. Then I have fallen in love with this breed and together with Margarita Sergeevna and Chansi began to visit shows of hunting dogs.

Chansi »

« In the ring М.Маlchevskaya, behind the ring at the left Kendzerskaya M. and me, 1982


Later I spent a lot of time with Kasya (Daik Каinlain), often stayed at Margarita Kendzerskaya, and I even wished to take its daughter Hellwood Magri for myself, but parents had not allowed to take a second dog for me. Маgri was stayed at Margarita Sergeevna, and I considered Magri almost as my own dog. So occasionally I was going to walk with Zita and the first Cockers, whom I have known and loved forever.

Zita & the first Cockers »


I got my first Cocker, when I began to study in an institute. There puppies were born in the nearby house from popular in those years dog  - Wedelta’s Golldigger.
From that litter I took the Debi, an elegant cocker of  a blue-roan with tan color. My first breeder was Elena Savenkova.

After a couple of years I left one of Debis’ puppies from the first litter, puppy of rare liver-roan with tan color -  Аmochka, which was the favorite of all our family.

The first name of my kennel was "Irinal", and soon after, in 1996, my kennel was registered in RKF-FCI under the name "Iriski’s".

The exterior's level of my first Cocker didn't allow me to achieve great successes in the shows, and I had a little experience also. Therefore I had decided to get a dog of higher class. So I got a black-white Phill Maris Domino at Marina Malchevskaya's  kennel " Phil Maris " from outstanding producer Uni Felitche. After this began our first shows and wins and grew up an interest to the breeding.

I shall always be grateful to Marina Maltchevskaya and Jevgeny Rodionov for support, for unforgettable lessons of grooming & handling,
for interesting stories with a cup of tea, and the most important - for fine dogs, who live in my house.

I wish to thank also Catherine Jacquier-Graveleau - the owner of the kennel "Vaccares" from France, for remarkable, tender, very obedient and loving Franko (Uppop De Vaccares).

Many thanks to my new friend - the owner of leading Spain kennel "Los Ombues" to seigneur Antonio Plaza. His black dogs were so nice, it was not possible to resist.

« Me and seigneur Antonio Plaza

My acquaintance with the owners of the English kennel "Bencleuch" Linda and Angela McLaren led to my house some dogs of blue-roan color, which are perfectly suited to my population by origin and type.

Linda and Angela McLaren »

For a long time in the house were dogs of particolor only. But now, with the appearance of several black females, including bred in our kennel already (the first black female, born in the kennel - Iriski's Storm Cloud, was left at home), significant importance will be attached to the solid color also.

Thanks to the owners of my puppies, we are friends over the many years with many of them. Thanks to my colleges for remarkable dialogue, co-operation and, certainly, friendship.